CLASSICAL PHOTOGRAPHY by Jess Isaiah Levin, Raleigh, NC

l250eddings, portraits, seniors, corporate events, fine art prints.

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A bit more from a December zoo visit

The NC Zoo is somewhat quiet in December, but there are still a few large mammals out and about. First another look at the North American Elk:

male elk

A red wolf:

red wolf

An ocelot:


The elk drew me back with a mating call (because of my urge to photograph, not...well you get the idea):

elk mating call

And another fierce wildcat:

wild house cat

Oops, how did that get in here?! Just a neighbor's house cat, of course.

While we're on the subject of "domesticated" animals...have you ever noticed how expressive a squirrel's tail can be?

squirrel territorial wag

squirrel departure

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All images on this site © Jess Isaiah Levin