CLASSICAL PHOTOGRAPHY by Jess Isaiah Levin, Raleigh, NC

l250eddings, portraits, seniors, corporate events, fine art prints.


December 6, 2010

Adopt a "Symphony" Kitten!

North Carolina Symphony French hornists Rachel Niketopoulos and Chris Caudill rescued a dozen adorable kittens abandoned in their neighborhood, and have been loving foster parents. They are seeking permanent homes for their charges. In an effort to help, I spent a short time photographing the kittens and some of the musicians who plan to adopt a cat.

Here are a few shots:

In silhouette...I wonder where I'll settle down and live...

cat silhouette

Chris ponders a kitten in the bell of his horn, while it ponders...who knows what.

two-way stare

A "tuxedo" kitten with Rachel in concert black:

concert black

Kittens are curious, and love to play. Although playing an instrument is beyond their grasp, they'll still reach:

kitten with French horn

A kitten quartet favored me by posing.

kitten quartet

Quite at home in the horn bell, at least for a little while!

bell kitten

This kitten trio strikes me as more of a jazz loving group. With apologies to the Coasters and Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, I'll refer to them as "Three Cool Cats":

kitten trio

[Three Cool Cats - click for youtube video]

These kittens are at home with woodwind and strings as well as brass!

four musicians with cats

"I deserve a good home!"

lone cat

Read more about the kittens and the musicians on the web site of

the North Carolina Symphony

Next, Snow at Last!

Here's a video to the sound of the Coasters:


All images on this site [with exception of embedded YouTube video] © Jess Isaiah Levin